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Which Health Insurance Plan Do You Want?

All health plans are official packages from Hygeia, Nigeria's leading health insurance company. Annual payment starts from ₦55,590 for an individual.


The comprehensive benefits packages for all health insurance plans cover a broad range of healthcare treatments for day-to-day (outpatient) and hospital (inpatient) patients as well as accident and emergency cover. Your family, friends and community members back home in Nigeria will have smooth access to their chosen hospitals at an affordable price to you.


Some key benefits:


✓ No deductibles – no minimum payment required before insurance starts to pay

✓ No co-pay – no co-payment on prescription drugs

✓ Surgical procedures – 100% covered with no co-pay after one year

✓ Dental – general dental procedures covered, including minor oral surgeries 

✓ Telemedicine – call and speak to a doctor over the phone at any time 24/7

✓ Hospital – flexibility to visit any medical facility within your insurance plan network

✓ Pre-existing conditions* – covered


*dependent upon of level of health plan purchased

Hygeia logo
Illustration dipictating individual health insurance plan.

₦55,590 per year

HyBasic - Individual

Illustration dipictating individual health insurance plan.

₦166,974 per year

HyPrime - Individual

Illustration dipictating individual health insurance plan.

₦448,902 per year

HyPrime Plus - Individual

Illustration dipictating senior citizen health insurance plan.

₦203,796 per year

Senior Mini -

Senior Citizen Individual

Illustration dipictating senior citizen health insurance plan.

₦428,094 per year

Senior Midi -

Senior Citizen Individual

Illustration dipictating senior citizen health insurance plan.

₦865,266 per year

Senior Premium -

Senior Citizen Individual

Illustration dipictating family health insurance plan.

₦230,112 per year

HyBasic Family of (4)

Illustration dipictating family health insurance plan.

₦667,590 per year

HyPrime Family of (4)

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